Basic Quran Course

HomeCourses – Basic Quran Course

Do you enjoy learning the Quran but cannot read the Arabic letters yet?

Then Online Basic Quran Course​ is ideal for you. It is never too late to learn how to read the Quran!

Basic Quran Course​ will assist students in pronouncing the Arabic alphabet before gradually introducing word formation. They will discover the fundamental guidelines for the Quranic recital. The student will be able to read directly from the Quran by the end of Basic Quran Course​.

Beginner Basic Quran Course​ Online

Our Basic Quran Course​ are the ideal place to begin your journey because they were created especially for beginners. To provide you with a solid foundation in the language and teachings of the Quran, our live tutors will lead you step-by-step through the fundamentals of Quran reading. Our classes are designed to match your goals, whether you’re a beginner trying to learn the fundamentals or an established student looking to enhance your Tajweed.

 Our online courses are via Skype or Zoom and provide a flexible and practical learning environment. You can enroll in our classes conveniently, regardless of whether you are overworked or want to study at home.

Learn the Basics of Quranic Reading

Basic Quran Course​

The Quran Reading Basics Course is ideal for beginners without prior knowledge of Arabic or the Quran.

Learning the Arabic alphabet and how to read Quranic verses in proper Arabic are the first steps in online Quran education for beginners, and these skills serve as the foundation for continued study of the Basic Quran Course​. This level presents the Arabic alphabet and the laws of word building to help you master the fundamentals of the Quran and prepare you to read longer Arabic sentences

What you will learn

The Basic Quran Course​ starts with a lesson on the Arabic alphabet and vowels, then moves on to teach students how to read Quranic words one at a time. Learning is made simpler with this method for both adults and children. The training employs a step-by-step approach and strongly emphasizes the value of consistency and patience.

Arabic symbols and alphabet

The Arabic language comprises alphabets, and symbols represent the sounds and pronunciation. For accurate Quranic reading and Tajweed, it is crucial to comprehend the Arabic alphabet and symbols.

Basic Tajweed Laws

Tajweed describes the guidelines for Qur'anic pronunciation and recitation. Adhering to its rules is vital for precise Quranic recitation.


Fluency in Quranic reading is the capacity to recite the Qur'an effortlessly, with perfect pronunciation and rhythm, and without pausing. It is a crucial component of Quranic recitation and can be attained with regular training and practice.


Short surahs of the Quran, duas (asks) from the Sunnah and the Quran, lessons on Salah, the six Kalimahs, and other material will be memorized by the pupils.

Islamic Research

Islamic studies cover a wide range of topics, such as the interpretation of the Qur'an and the precepts of the Prophet Muhammad, as well as Islamic history, ethics, and manners. These research projects help us comprehend Islam better. Because it offers a fun and engaging environment for learning the basic quran course​, this course suits all beginners, both adults and children. Because pupils will learn to recite accurately and precisely, it is also appropriate for children ages five and older. Get your kids started with the tried-and-true Noor Al Bayan and Noorani Qaida approach so they can quickly learn to read Arabic and confidently recite the Holy Quran.


Recognize Arabic Alphabets.
Correctly read the Quran.
Receive step-by-step directions from teachers. Understand fundamental Islamic tenets.
Basic Arabic instruction

What is the right age to learn the online basic quran course​?

Everything new that children are taught feeds them. Consequently, Allah commands that parents help their children learn the Holy Quran as soon as possible. As a result, they are confronted with the do’s and don’ts of life from an early age, according to the Holy Qur’an.

Their teachers have so far allowed them to understand everything at their own pace. The Quran remains our responsibility to facilitate the future.

We make it possible for kids to interact with their online Basic Quran Course​. These young kids are still brilliant and can easily take anything up. Then, they can try to memorize the Quran. This Arabic lesson helps a novice learn the Quran quickly. Online Basic Quran Course​ are constantly attracting the interest of children. At four or five, they begin to develop literacy skills. That is the only way to live a genuinely authentic Muslim life. Adherence to Islam and its principles increases as a result. According to the teachings of the Prophet, there is no other option except to live a faultless, holy life. Once a child begins studying the Quran, he will continue to enjoy it.

Sign up for online Basic Quran Course​ now

Why wait to begin your live sessions and begin studying the holy Quran with Quran teachers who are both male and female?

According to Sahih Bukhari,

The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) is reported to have said, “The best among you is the one who learns the Holy Quran and teaches it,” according to Hadhrat’ Uthman bin Affaan (RA). Hadis No. 5027

What are you still holding out for?

Enroll in one of our online Basic Quran Course​ to get started with the holy Quran.

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