Fazilah Course

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What is the Fazilah course?

At the end of the Fazilah course Online, it remains like the definition of Hadees with its rules and the meaning of Fiqh with its regulations and interpretation and grammar of Arabic. Fazilah course Online includes Basic Arabic, Arabic Grammar Tafsir, Complete Rules of Tafsir, Hadith, Complete Rules of Hadith, Fiqh, and Permission of Fiqh.

What is the understanding of Hadith in Islam?

The Hadith and the Quran share a connection akin to a text and its explanation or a root and its branches. The Quran contains the fundamental precepts that shape religion and shari’ah. The ahadith clarifies and elaborates on this Quranic teaching, which is the base and foundation of the faith.

What are the criteria of Hadith?

According to Muslim scholars, a hadith is considered authentic if the chain of narrators meets five specified criteria.

  • Continuity in the chain of narrators.
  • Integrity of character.
  • Infallible retention.
  • Freedom from any hidden defect.
  • Safety from any aberrance.

Why is Fiqh applied?

Muslims can obtain advice from Fiqh. The body of legal precedent in Islam deals with implementing Islamic law in day-to-day situations.

What are the fundamental ideas of Fiqh?

Protecting life, safeguarding wealth and property, upholding honour, upholding religion, advancing goodness, and defending rights are the fundamental tenets of Fiqh. The Quran, the Sunnah, and Hadith are the sources of these ideas.

What distinguishes Fiqh from sharia?

Islamic life adheres to the moral rule called Sharia, and the application of Islamic law to day-to-day activities is known as Fiqh. Sharia and fiqh are components of Islamic jurisprudence.

Which four books make up Islamic jurisprudence?

The four primary sources of Islamic law are the Quran, the Sunnah, the Hadith, and the corpus of decisions made by Islamic scholars. All four sources are consulted by Islamic scholars when offering advice to Muslims.

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What is the Quran's Tafseer?

The Arabic term “tafseer” (تفسير) denotes interpretation or exegesis in language. It entails pulling back the curtain to reveal all that is hidden. The Arabic term “fassara,” which means “to clarify, explain, or decipher,” is where this word originated. Tafseer is the precise understanding of Quranic passages, encompassing Arabic syntax, grammar, literature, and Quranic sciences.

Ways to learn Tafsir

With the definition of Tafseer in the Quran now clear, learning how to memorise Tafseer in the Quran is crucial. Following the passing of Allah’s Apostle Muhammad (PBUH), his Companions (RAA) and newly converted Muslims attempted to comprehend the Quran by first consulting the text itself, then the explanations and sayings of the Prophet (PBUH), and last by applying their interpretations to the passages. People still use and will continue to use these approaches to comprehend the Quran’s actual meaning. Anyone contemplating starting a Quran Tafseer will find the following approaches outlined in a specific order, starting with the most legitimate and trustworthy.

Using the Quran |  By way of Sunnah  |  By way of Aathaar  |  Through Vocabulary  |  Using Opinion

The Six Genuine Hadith Books, Sihah Sitta

These books contain all six of the authentic collections of Hadith, known as “Al-Kutub Al-Sittah” (literally, “The Authentic Six”) in Arabic. These six volumes are the product of six Islamic scholars who, in the years following the prophet Muhammad’s passing, gathered “hadith,” or the sayings and customs of the prophet, and laboriously assembled those that they could positively identify as coming from the prophet. These six books, which provide a more detailed explanation of the Quran’s sayings and commands, are the cornerstone of the Muslim (Sunni) faith and traditions after the Quran. The following books are included in the Natural Six collection:

  • Imam Bukhari (d. 870) compiled Sahih Bukhari, incorporating 7000+ Hadith.
  • Imam Muslim b. al-Hajjaj (d. 875) compiled Sahih Muslim, incorporating 9000+ Hadith.
  • Al-Nasa’i, gathered by Sunan al-Nasa’i (d. 915)
  • Abu Dawood (d. 888) collected Sunan Abu Dawood.